Inspire and educate 21st century leaders through a range of topics that center on the power of collaboration to create a sustainable future

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What kind of leadership do we need to solve today’s environmental challenges?

The world is changing in every way possible. 2020 made this abundantly clear as a global pandemic spread, wildfires raged, and a racial justice movement rose to the surface.

Our personal, societal, and political divisions are at an all-time high. In the midst of it all, we struggle to understand how to be responsible stewards of the rich natural resources that power our economies and support our way of life.

We cannot continue to respond with outmoded ways of thinking and action. The kind of leadership that will move us toward a more just, inclusive, and sustainable future is one that is committed to working together to create change.

We are on the cusp of a leadership evolution — one that acknowledges that change isn’t about one voice rising to the top, but about a multitude of voices rising together.

My virtual and live engagements inspire your audience to navigate the emotion, individuality, and inertia that hold us back from change. I blend storytelling and strategy to teach the practices of collaborative leadership and the ways it creates undeniable impact.



Our Next Evolution:

Transforming Collaborative Leadership to Shape Our Planet’s Future

Climate change. Biodiversity loss. Water insecurity. Deforestation.

Our environmental issues are advancing at an unprecedented pace and scale. We collectively share the power and responsibility for addressing our most critical challenges. If we want to create lasting change, we must learn to work beyond the boundaries and barriers that separate us.

Transformative solutions require transformational leadership that is based on collaboration. This keynote delivers a framework for 21st century collaboration based on four interlinked leadership practices: Cultivating Presence, Creating Space, Leveraging Diversity, and Sustaining Dialogue.

I show how these practices enable us to take collective action that catalyzes impact, carving a path toward a future we crave but can’t yet see.We have the capacity to create vibrant communities, build thriving economies, and sustain our natural resources — but only when we learn to do so together. Only when we evolve.


The Nature of Presence


Whether it’s a night under the stars or a bike ride through the forest, the way we choose to spend time in nature can grow our leadership capacity. Mindfulness and personal sustainability practices are essential for leaders of change. This talk exposes the why and the how — and gives an extra boost of permission to go for that walk in the woods over lunch.



Diversity is the solution to our environmental challenges, not a problem to be solved. Our differences help us see things from unique angles while also emphasizing our interconnectedness. This talk reveals how to harness our collective knowledge within collaborative efforts to build bold and ambitious sustainability agendas with enduring outcomes.

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